I tried a new class tonight called Body Pump. It was probably the most intense workout I've ever had. It's all about weightlifting, core and strength training. My body felt like a wet noodle ... seriously. I felt like my legs were going to give out when I was walking to the car and my arms were shaking so badly (along with my legs).
It was great! I'm looking forward to doing it again. :-D It challenged me and pushed me further than I thought I could go. I was so happy because I actually talked Brad into trying this class with me. It was the first class he's ever tried and I think it was the most intense workout he's ever had, too. He feels noodley, as well. I'm hoping he'll do it again with me. I'm also hoping we can move our bodies tomorrow.
I'm also going to try a new class on Wednesday: Aqua Zumba. It's Zumba but in the water, of course. I tried the Zumba class about six times and I could physically keep up but not mentally. The steps were just too fast for me; I have two left feet. It was fun, though. So, I'm excited to try this class because people won't know if I mess up. :)
Your noodley friend,
You guys are both looking great Amy! : )