Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Adalee's Birth Story

Hey, everyone.

Sorry I haven't updated my blog in forever. Life is just too busy anymore to keep up with it. I posted Brady's birth story shortly after he was born for family and friends who had been asking for it. I also did so for my record, so once again I am doing the same for Adalee.

Adalee Rose Moyers was born June 14, 2016 at 7:42 PM at the midwife birthing center in Madisonville. She weighed 6 lbs 10 oz and was 19.5".

Labor started about a week earlier and slowly intensified until I decided to have Brad drive me to see the midwife at 3:30 PM on Monday the 13th. My midwife checked me and found I was already 6 cm dilated. I stayed inside while she went out to let Brad (who was waiting in our car with Brady) know that I would be checking in and that he needed to go home and get our bags and let our babysitter know that she needed to get to the house asap to watch Brady. I was in shock because I had gone in the previous night around 10:00 PM thinking that it might finally be time, only to find out that I was only 3-4 cm (which I was a week prior). Just like with Brady, my contractions were inconsistent, so it was hard to tell when it was really time. So, when I went in this time to see if I was moving along at all, I was shocked that I was 6 cm because the pain was nothing like it was when I was 6 cm with Brady.

Brad returned about an hour later and brought me a Subway sub. I was starving! I was able to eat when I was between contractions. Speaking of, I actually had a break and wasn't in constant pain like I was with Brady. My back with Brady killed me the whole time and then during contractions was almost unbearable.

Contractions and dilation continued steadily until around 5 when I decided to get into the birthing tub. I had an amazing nurse and midwife I felt very comfortable around and we were talking and even laughing between contractions. Everything went smoothly and I was able to deliver in the tub and even catch Adalee, which I always wanted to do but didn't think I'd ever be able to do after my first experience of not being able to leave the hands and knees position at all.

Everything about this labor was so much smoother and easier than it was with Brady. I am so grateful that I didn't have back labor this time. I did feel the ring of fire this time (I didn't feel it with Brady because the pain in my back was so intense) but it was nothing compared to the pain of back labor. Just like with Brady's labor and delivery, it was only about four hours from the time I was 6 cm dilated until I delivered.

Again, I had a minor tear which my midwife sowed. Also, I did have some heavier than normal bleeding but it was nothing like I had with Brady after they delivered my placenta. That blood loss was so substantial that I was genuinely concerned that I might have to be rushed to the hospital. Even Brad looked concerned but he tried to keep a brave face for my sake.

Adalee is such an amazing baby. I can't believe how tiny she is. She sleeps so well (unlike Brady for his first year) and is such a snuggle-bug. She's SO fun to dress! I can't get enough of the adorable outfits and bows.

The funniest part of all of this is she looks exactly like Brady did. Brad's first words as soon as I pulled her out of the water were, "She looks just like Brady!" It's so true. Brady's pictures at that age are indistinguishable from hers. I am so happy and would love to have a female version of my little boy who, everyone says is so cute. Funny thing is that I said through my whole pregnancy that I thought she would come out looking just like Brady ... mother's intuition, I guess. :)

Brady is absolutely in love with Adee, which is such an answered prayer. I was concerned he would be jealous or rough with her and he isn't at all. He always asks to hold her and hugs and kisses her. He also likes to bring her blankets and put her paci in her mouth. It totally melts my heart to see them together.

God is so awesome and faithful! My heart's desire was always to be a mom and my dream since I can remember is to have a boy and then have a girl two years later. After 7-1/2 years of praying, hoping and waiting, God blessed us with Brady. Then, even after God being so faithful with that, I didn't hold much hope that I'd have another one, especially a girl two years later and BOOM, the FIRST TIME we tried for another one I got pregnant with my little girl and she was born two years and nine days after Brady. God does answer prayers and His timing is perfect. Being a mom is the biggest blessing in the world and I am forever grateful for the children God has given me. I don't deserve it. It's the hardest job ever but also the most rewarding. I wouldn't trade it for anything.

I doubt I'll be able to do monthly updates of Adalee like I did with Brady because it was hard even finding the time to do that when it was just him, much less now that he's a non-stop, full-of-life and energy two-year-old and I have a newborn. Lol. I do hope to post updates from time to time, though. Until next time ... whenever that is. Lol.

Here are some pictures. 

Brady 23 days old. Adalee 12 days old. They are practically twins!

You can see all of her newborn pictures here. Also, you can see Brady's two-year pictures here.

Much love,

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Brady's One-Year Pictures

Hey, guys!

I finally got Brady's one-year pictures back! Click here to see them. :)

Friday, June 5, 2015

Brady is One!

Hey, loves!

Brady is one year old today! He weighs 21 lbs and is 30 inches long. I seriously can't believe that I'm a toddler mom now. It's amazing how much babies change in the first year. It seems like yesterday that I found out that I was pregnant, heard his heartbeat, found out it was a boy, felt him moving and kicking, was in labor and holding him in my arms and kissing him for the first time, then seeing him smile, laugh, roll, crawl, walk, talk, etc. Time has just flown by and I'm treasuring every single second of it. He is my sunshine. I totally love the toddler that he is and the kid that he is becoming ... wildness and all. ;-D

We went to Chuck E. Cheese to celebrate today and he had a blast ... ok, so Brad and I had a blast, too! Lol. He also got spoiled with tons of toys from both of our families and us. We went to Ohio last week and had an early birthday party for him which I think we'll do every year, Lord willing. 

We're getting his one year pictures taken on Monday by the same lady who did his newborn pictures. I can't wait to see them because I know they'll be awesome (she does a great job!). I bought him a couple of really cute outfits and a birthday hat. We're also going to do a smash cake session which should be fun and messy. Haha. I'll post pictures on Facebook as soon as I get them, of course.

He has eight teeth now.

Just in the past couple of days he's started saying "mama" and "mom" which completely makes my heart smile. I've been waiting so long for him to start saying that. 

Now that he's a year old I won't be doing monthly blog updates but I'm sure I'll post every now and then. It's been hard making the time to even do the monthly updates but it's been worth it, especially to have to look back on.

I can't say enough how thankful I am for God giving Brady to us. There is nothing that compares to being a mom and you don't realize how much love your heart can hold until you have a child. I'm truly blessed beyond measure. 

Much love,

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Brady's 11 Month Update

Hey, everyone!

It's that time again. Brady is 11 months old today. Seriously, months are flying by way too fast these days! He weighs 21 lbs and is 29 inches tall. He's growing like a weed!

He has five teeth and three more are starting to pop through. 

He's been a pro-walker for quite some time but here in the last week or so he has started being able to bend over and pick stuff up without having to get on the floor to get it. 

He won't sit down for baths anymore; he has to walk around playing with his toys the whole time. It's funny. I'm telling you, he really doesn't ever sit still, unless he's asleep. Even as he's falling asleep, his legs are going. Lol. 

He had his third haircut on Sunday. Speaking of hair, he loves to eat hair and fuzz. Like, he'll pull hair and fuzz off of his stuffed animals and other things. I have to even take one with longer hair away because of it. Weird and nasty at the same time. :-P

I've been meaning to mention this but I keep forgetting: When Brady's drinking milk he always says one of these four things while drinking, "yickle, yickle, yickle," "gickle, gickle, gickle," "nickle, nickle, nickle" or "goya, goya, goya." I wish I knew what he was saying in his mind. Lol.
He is SO much fun to be around! His personality is AWESOME! He's a goober. He's very independent and strong-willed. For instance, he doesn't really want me to hold his hand when we're outside walking around and stuff like that. He'll yank his hand away most of the time because he wants to walk around by himself like a big boy. And if he can't figure something out, he'll just keep trying until he does.

He can rough-house and play with older kids already. He was out running and rolling around playing in the grass with a six-year-old in our fellowship the yesterday evening. 

He has little temper tantrums sometimes when he doesn't get his way or something. He'll go up and down the hallway, walking really fast and stomping around, flailing his arms like a monkey and shouting, "ADADADADADA!" and you can tell he's mad. It's HILARIOUS! Haha! <- I'm literally laughing right now just thinking about it.

He's definitely a foodie and likes to smack his lips incredibly loud when he's eating. (Daddy says that's cute now but something he'll have to break him of when he's older. LOL)

My dad installed a swing in our breezeway/sunroom when he came to visit last month and Brady absolutely loves it! He can sit and swing for an hour or more at a time.

I can't believe my BABY is going to be a one year old next month.


 Much love,
(A mom of an almost toddler -- whaaaat?!)


Sunday, April 5, 2015

Brady's 10 Month Update

Hey, loves!

Brady is 10 months old today. He weighs 19.75 lbs and is 28.5 inches long.

He has five teeth now. I had to get crib rail protectors because he decided to start chewing his crib. He loves eating ... not just food. :-P

He is a pro at walking and barely ever crawls. He had his second haircut a couple of days ago.

He gets his bath after dinner everyday. As soon as he hears the water turn on, he runs (yes, he can run now, LOL!) for the tub and tries to climb in. He still loves his baths! He loves water and likes to walk around holding on to his sippy cups with his mouth by biting down on the straw with his teeth.

Speaking of teeth, he loves grinding his teeth, which grosses everyone out but me. He loves hanging upside down like a monkey. He loves taking his socks off and chewing on them. He baby talks pretty much non-stop. He loves shaking his head "no" and does it just to be cute a lot of the time. He always laughed at sneezing but he laughs at his own sneezes, too. It's so funny. He's also started making a smile face showing his teeth, which I can't get enough of.

Now that the weather is nice, he LOVES being outside. I love watching him learn, explore and discover new things. I feel like a kid again watching him. It's awesome. :-D

Until next time,

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Brady's Nine Month Update

Hey, everyone!

Brady is nine months old today. He now weighs 19 lbs and is 28 inches long.

He now has four teeth, which only add to his extreme cuteness. Teething doesn't seem to bother him much, which I am beyond happy about. No mother or father wants to see their little love in pain. :(

Wait for it ... wait for it ... Brady walks now!!! He will still crawl but he can totally walk. He'll even let go of furniture and walk to me. Of course, he falls sometimes after 10 or so steps but he is getting more and more steady every day. I've been trying to film it to post on Facebook & Instagram but it's hard because I want to make sure I'm there to catch him if he falls. I'll get a video soon, though! :-D On the 15th of February is when he took his first steps. I can't believe my little man is already walking.

He also had his first official haircut on the 27th. It looks SO much better and just makes him look that much more grown up. He sat still (he NEVER stops moving!) the entire time and didn't fuss once! Brad and I were in total shock. The stylist even ran the electric razor around his ears. I think he did so well because there was so much for him to look at and be mesmerized by. Haha. Plus, I gave him one of his arrowroot cookies to chomp on. ;-)

He loves shutting doors, pulling his socks off and chewing on them, taking things apart and throwing things on the floor ... especially when he's in his highchair. Oh, and his happy screams have made a comeback. Haha!

Here are his pictures for this month. I couldn't tame his bedhead today. :-P


Thursday, February 5, 2015

Brady's Eight Month Update

Howdy, folks! :)

Brady is eight months old today. He weighs 19 lbs and is 27-3/4 inches long. 

Let's see, what's new with him this month ... 

Well, as of yesterday, his top two teeth are popping through the gums. I can't wait to see them come all the way through. :-D He is now walking (more like running) around all by himself with his walker. I think he'll be walking in no time! Last night he started trying to climb furniture. He's a mess. Lol. He talks all the time and is non-stop saying "dadada uh-da dadada" and other baby talk all day long.

His sleep is SO much better this month! He only wakes up once or twice a night, eats, falls right back to sleep and is up for the day around 6:00 or 6:30. It's been great!

We've been really busy moving into our new house (we outgrew our last house). We're almost settled in. It's much bigger and he has way more room to get out all of his energy. Needless to say, he's adjusting well. I'll have to take pictures sometime when I get a chance and post them on Facebook. It's a beautiful house with amazing Smoky Mountain views from every room. We're blessed.

Until next time,