Hey, loves!
Brady is one year old today! He weighs 21 lbs and is 30 inches long. I seriously can't believe that I'm a toddler mom now. It's amazing how much babies change in the first year. It seems like yesterday that I found out that I was pregnant, heard his heartbeat, found out it was a boy, felt him moving and kicking, was in labor and holding him in my arms and kissing him for the first time, then seeing him smile, laugh, roll, crawl, walk, talk, etc. Time has just flown by and I'm treasuring every single second of it. He is my sunshine. I totally love the toddler that he is and the kid that he is becoming ... wildness and all. ;-D
We went to Chuck E. Cheese to celebrate today and he had a blast ... ok, so Brad and I had a blast, too! Lol. He also got spoiled with tons of toys from both of our families and us. We went to Ohio last week and had an early birthday party for him which I think we'll do every year, Lord willing.
We're getting his one year pictures taken on Monday by the same lady who did his newborn pictures. I can't wait to see them because I know they'll be awesome (she does a great job!). I bought him a couple of really cute outfits and a birthday hat. We're also going to do a smash cake session which should be fun and messy. Haha. I'll post pictures on Facebook as soon as I get them, of course.
He has eight teeth now.
Just in the past couple of days he's started saying "mama" and "mom" which completely makes my heart smile. I've been waiting so long for him to start saying that.
Now that he's a year old I won't be doing monthly blog updates but I'm
sure I'll post every now and then. It's been hard making the time to
even do the monthly updates but it's been worth it, especially to have
to look back on.
I can't say enough how thankful I am for God giving Brady to us. There is nothing that compares to being a mom and you don't realize how much love your heart can hold until you have a child. I'm truly blessed beyond measure.

Much love,

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