Hey, everyone.
Sorry I haven't updated my blog in forever. Life is just too busy anymore to keep up with it. I posted Brady's birth story shortly after he was born for family and friends who had been asking for it. I also did so for my record, so once again I am doing the same for Adalee.
Adalee Rose Moyers was born June 14, 2016 at 7:42 PM at the midwife birthing center in Madisonville. She weighed 6 lbs 10 oz and was 19.5".
Labor started about a week earlier and slowly intensified until I decided to have Brad drive me to see the midwife at 3:30 PM on Monday the 13th. My midwife checked me and found I was already 6 cm dilated. I stayed inside while she went out to let Brad (who was waiting in our car with Brady) know that I would be checking in and that he needed to go home and get our bags and let our babysitter know that she needed to get to the house asap to watch Brady. I was in shock because I had gone in the previous night around 10:00 PM thinking that it might finally be time, only to find out that I was only 3-4 cm (which I was a week prior). Just like with Brady, my contractions were inconsistent, so it was hard to tell when it was really time. So, when I went in this time to see if I was moving along at all, I was shocked that I was 6 cm because the pain was nothing like it was when I was 6 cm with Brady.
Brad returned about an hour later and brought me a Subway sub. I was starving! I was able to eat when I was between contractions. Speaking of, I actually had a break and wasn't in constant pain like I was with Brady. My back with Brady killed me the whole time and then during contractions was almost unbearable.
Contractions and dilation continued steadily until around 5 when I decided to get into the birthing tub. I had an amazing nurse and midwife I felt very comfortable around and we were talking and even laughing between contractions. Everything went smoothly and I was able to deliver in the tub and even catch Adalee, which I always wanted to do but didn't think I'd ever be able to do after my first experience of not being able to leave the hands and knees position at all.
Everything about this labor was so much smoother and easier than it was with Brady. I am so grateful that I didn't have back labor this time. I did feel the ring of fire this time (I didn't feel it with Brady because the pain in my back was so intense) but it was nothing compared to the pain of back labor. Just like with Brady's labor and delivery, it was only about four hours from the time I was 6 cm dilated until I delivered.
Again, I had a minor tear which my midwife sowed. Also, I did have some heavier than normal bleeding but it was nothing like I had with Brady after they delivered my placenta. That blood loss was so substantial that I was genuinely concerned that I might have to be rushed to the hospital. Even Brad looked concerned but he tried to keep a brave face for my sake.
Adalee is such an amazing baby. I can't believe how tiny she is. She sleeps so well (unlike Brady for his first year) and is such a snuggle-bug. She's SO fun to dress! I can't get enough of the adorable outfits and bows.
The funniest part of all of this is she looks exactly like Brady did. Brad's first words as soon as I pulled her out of the water were, "She looks just like Brady!" It's so true. Brady's pictures at that age are indistinguishable from hers. I am so happy and would love to have a female version of my little boy who, everyone says is so cute. Funny thing is that I said through my whole pregnancy that I thought she would come out looking just like Brady ... mother's intuition, I guess. :)
Brady is absolutely in love with Adee, which is such an answered prayer. I was concerned he would be jealous or rough with her and he isn't at all. He always asks to hold her and hugs and kisses her. He also likes to bring her blankets and put her paci in her mouth. It totally melts my heart to see them together.
God is so awesome and faithful! My heart's desire was always to be a mom and my dream since I can remember is to have a boy and then have a girl two years later. After 7-1/2 years of praying, hoping and waiting, God blessed us with Brady. Then, even after God being so faithful with that, I didn't hold much hope that I'd have another one, especially a girl two years later and BOOM, the FIRST TIME we tried for another one I got pregnant with my little girl and she was born two years and nine days after Brady. God does answer prayers and His timing is perfect. Being a mom is the biggest blessing in the world and I am forever grateful for the children God has given me. I don't deserve it. It's the hardest job ever but also the most rewarding. I wouldn't trade it for anything.
I doubt I'll be able to do monthly updates of Adalee like I did with Brady because it was hard even finding the time to do that when it was just him, much less now that he's a non-stop, full-of-life and energy two-year-old and I have a newborn. Lol. I do hope to post updates from time to time, though. Until next time ... whenever that is. Lol.
Here are some pictures.

Brady 23 days old. Adalee 12 days old. They are practically twins!

Much love,
Congratulation! You have a beautiful princess.
ReplyDeleteLook forward to reading more your story.
God bless you all.
Interesting thoughts I really enjoyed your blog