Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Monthly Weight Loss with Pictures

"You've got three choices in life: give up, give in or give it your all." -Unknown

I lost 7 lbs this month and I'm happy with that. It would have been 11 lbs (I lost 6 lbs before we went to Ohio) but since I gained 5 in Ohio (read last two blogs) that didn't happen. That brings my total weight lost to 39 lbs. I'm hoping to lose anywhere from 5-15 lbs a month.

Slow and steady. This has to be a life change. I don't want to lose weight super fast in some unrealistic way and then gain it back because it wasn't practical to my lifestyle. Besides eating healthier and watching my portion sizes, I've been going to the gym 5-6 days a week. Monday through Thursday I do 15 minutes of weights and then 1 hour on the eliptical (level 13-16) where I push -- I mean, really push myself to burn at least 800 calories in an hour.

On Friday I swim and then on Saturday I either go to the gym and do the weights and the eliptical or we take Oopsie to the park and walk him (depends on the weather). Sunday is a day of rest for my body.

More and more people are telling me that they can really tell that I'm losing weight (which is SO motivating!) and my clothes that I couldn't even button and were super tight on me now fit me just about perfectly! I can literally pull off my jeans that I used to wear; they are super baggy! I'm keeping them to see how far I've come each month; they will always be a reminder of where I was and where I never want to be ever again.

I thank God for the grace to embark on this journey and not give up. I want my body to be a healthy temple for Him. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13

"It's about the journey, not the destination." -Unknown

Reminder of me around my heaviest ...

Today ...

In other news ... today is my 24th birthday! I'll post a blog tomorrow about my day. :)


  1. Hey Amy, I stumbled across your blog because we have "Audrey Assad" in common with music. ;) I'm very happy I stopped by--it was a joy to read about your journey and your progress, it's incredibly inspiring! You go girl! And the fact that you give Christ the glory makes it all that much more amazing. :) Keep it up!

  2. You look fabulous, Amy. I can tell a difference in you now from last month's pictures. You're not only losing weight, but you're toning up too. You're motivating me to also start getting into shape. I wish we lived closer so we could workout together. That would be so much fun.

    May the Lord continue to bless you greatly. You're a living testimony to His amazing grace.
    ~ Coreneee
